ICSI Analytics has excellent research infrastructure, high-performance equipment that enables accurate measurement of compounds at trace level: SNIF-MRI, CF-IRMS, GC-IRMS, HPLC, GC-ECD/ FID, GC -MS, ICP-MS, FAAS, GFAAS, UV-VIS, portable analyzers for environmental monitoring (particulates, SO2, CO, NOx, SO2/H2S, NOx/NH3, O3, VOC) bomb calorimeter for fuels (solids and liquids), EA for the measurement of CNHS/ O in various types of fuel samples, catalysts, etc.
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Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Delta V Plus, with GasBench II equilibration module
Used to determine the 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotopic ratios from water from different sources (e.g. tap water, spring water, precipitation, depleted water, water samples extracted from different matrixes: juice, wine, other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, fruits, vegetables, etc.).
Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Delta V Plus, with two elemental analyzers: EA Flash HT 1112 and EA Flash HT 2000
Used to determine the 13C/12C and 15N/ 14N isotope ratios by combustion and the 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotopic ratios by pyrolysis from inorganic and organic samples (e.g. honey, vinegar, alcohol extracted from: juice, wine, other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, fruits, vegetables, etc.).
Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (CF-IRMS) Delta V Plus, coupled with Gas Chromatograph (GC)
It allows the determination of the specific 13C/12C isotopic ratio of some organic compounds from liquid and solid samples.
SNIF-NMR (Site-Specific Natural Isotope Fractionation – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Spectrometer
It is used for evaluating the non-specific or specific compositional profile on compounds or classes of compounds, with the identification of atypical components, in order to characterize and/ or authenticate certain food products (eg wine, fruit and derivatives, honey, oil). Its SNIF (Site-Specific Natural Isotope Fractionation) -RMN configuration allows the determination of the intramolecular distribution of deuterium in the studied molecule (eg ethanol, acetic acid, benzaldehyde, etc.). The determined isotopic parameters provide information on the origin of the chemical compound (synthesized compound or natural compound), some of the most important applications being in the confirmation of the authenticity of the food (botanical origin, geographical origin, harvest year) and the characterization by means of isotopes of metabolic or synthesis processes.
Picarro L2130-i Isotopic Water Analyser
The Picarro L2130-i is ideal for isotopic analysis of clean waters and water vapor. It performs highly precise measurements of δ18O (guaranteed at 0.025‰) and δD (guaranteed at 0.1‰) with minimal drift.
Analytical system for preparation of organic samples
It is used for the preparation (eg distillation, lyophilization, protein extraction, acetic acid extraction) and primary characterization of organic samples (eg beverages, fruits and vegetables, honey, plants/leaves), for subsequent isotopic fingerprinting.
Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph, Dionex UltiMate 3000 UHPLC with DAD Detection, coupled with Mass Spectrometer, Q Exact Focus
The UHPLC system has the ability to separate the very low volatility compounds present in different matrices with the aim to identify and quantify the individual components of the mixture. Additionally, due to its sensitivity, selectivity and flexibility, Q Exact Focus allows the screening, quantification, identification and confirmation of the known compounds as well as unknown compounds from complex mixtures. The main applications are specific to food safety, namely identification and quantification of biologically active principles (phenolic compounds, organic acids, amino acids, terpenes), contaminants (mycotoxins, pesticides) from different food matrices (wine, honey, fruit, plants, functional food), with the possibility of expanding to clinical research, forensic toxicology, pharmaceuticals and the environment.
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph, HPLC Surveyor Plus
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) has the ability to separate compounds with very low volatility that are present in different matrices. It is used to identify and quantify biologically active principles (phenolic compounds, organic acids, amino acids, sugars, terpenes) and contaminants (mycotoxins, pesticides) from different food matrices (wine, honey, fruits, plants, organic products, functional foods), including the identification and quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and environmental samples. Because of this versatility, HPLC has contributed to analytical solutions in diverse fields such life sciences, foods, environment, etc.
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer – Double beam spectrophotometer with variable spectral resolution, double monochromator and cooled double detection, Specord 250 Plus
It is intended for measuring the absorbance of liquid samples, in the spectral range 190-1100 nm. It is used to determine the total content of polyphenols (Folin Ciocalteau method), total flavonoids and antioxidant activity in different food matrices: wines, fruits, honey, slope extracts.
Antioxidant Capacity: PHOTOCHEM
PHOTOCHEM offers the first system solution for the quantitation of antioxidants in water-soluble and lipid-soluble systems. Due to the use of the method of photochemiluminescence, the fast photochemical excitation of radical formation is combined with sensitive luminometric detection. It can be used for quality control of technological processes, determination of the long-term stability of products, screening of new antioxidative substances in different areas like nutrition and food technology, chemical industry, agriculture and forestry, cosmetics, medicine, pharmacy.
Potentiostat – Galvanostat, with two BA modules and an ECD module
The equipment allows investigation of electrodeposition, electro dissolution, but also passivity and corrosion studies, ion diffusion through membranes, study of semiconductor biosensors and interfaces, characterization of coatings and corrosion phenomena. It is used for developing/testing sensors and biosensors applied to investigate different classes of compounds in food matrices.
Soxhlet extractor
Equipment used for the solvent extraction of active principles from various solid food matrices as a preparatory step, before analytical determinations. It can also be used for solvent extraction of solid samples (soil, vegetation) in order to determine environmental contaminants.
Gas Chromatograph (Varian 450- GC) coupled with Mass Spectrometer (Varian 240-MS)
It is used for screening and quantification of contaminants (e.g. volatile organic compounds (VOCs), benzene and its derivatives, chloroform, phthalates) in environmental and food/beverage samples. It is also used in assessing aromatic compounds in wine and distillates.
Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD)
Used to determine contaminants in environment and food/beverage samples. Specific applications: organochlorine-pesticides in water and wine, THMs and chlorobenzene in water.
Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID)
It is used for the determination of environmental contaminants and food/beverage samples. Specific applications: determination and quantification of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol from beverages, methanol and volatile organic compounds from various matrices (eg fruits, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, syrups, etc.), phthalates from water samples and beverages.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer – ICP-MS
ICP-MS provides a number of attractive properties as a detector for quantitative analysis, such as high sensitivity (ng L-1 range), wide linear dynamic detection range (up to nine orders of magnitude depending on the instrument and the application), and specificity for the accurate detection and quantification of metals, metalloids, and heteroelements (including non-metals, semi-metals, and halogens). In addition, can be used to obtain precise isotope ratio information for those elements that feature multiple stable isotopes.
High Resolution Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
It is used for the determination of micro-/macro-elements and heavy metals in total forms in liquid and solid samples on food and environmental matrices.
Microwave Digestion Systems for Liquid and Solid Sample Preparation
Preparation of liquid and solid samples by iwave microwave digestion for quantitative multi-elemental analysis.
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer
It is used to identify bacterial species, filamentous fungi and yeasts based on protein profile. The peptide fragments are arranged based on the molecular mass in a spectrum that allows to obtain an individual protein imprint – specific to a particular species of microorganism.
It offers a wide range of possible biotechnological applications, including complex studies to maximize the biodegradation capacity of complex substrates (eg food by-products, wastewater, sludge, organic pollutants), coupled with biofuel/bioenergy production.
PyRx (Python Prescription – Virtual Screening Tool) with Autodock Vina for molecular docking
We use PyRx (Python Prescription – Virtual Screening Tool) with AutoDock Vina for virtual screening (docking) of large combinatorial library to predict the binding affinity and the binding orientation of small molecule drug candidates to their biological targets. Docking simulates in silico the interactions between small compounds and protein’s active site and the results are comparable to those of biochemical assays – but faster and less expensive.
Fourier Transform – Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer
Fourier Transform – Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) offers quantitative and qualitative analysis for organic and inorganic samples. FT-IR identifies chemical bonds in a molecule by producing an infrared absorption spectrum. The spectra produce a profile of the sample, a distinctive molecular fingerprint that can be used to screen and scan samples for many different components. We are performing routine analysis for certification of heavy water standards (in the range of 1-99% D2O and 99-99.975% D2O).
Vibrating Densitometer
It is used to determine the isotopic title of the deuterium content in the concentration range 1,000-99,000% D2O mass.
Fourier Transform – Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer
The spectrometer allows the collection of spectra in the infrared spectral ranges. The software can identify links in materials. The interferogram is transformed into a spectrum using the Fourier equation. The FTIR device allows the structural characterization of ceramic and oxide powders in KBr pellets, glasses, polymeric films that are transposed into infrared. The ATR device can record the spectra of liquids and solid powders. The ATR device has a diamond crystal.
UV-VIS Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometer, Specord 200 Plus
It provides the right solution for many applications. It can be used in routine analysis or special application in chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, food control, environment and many other fields.
UV/Vis spectroscopy is a method of molecular absorption spectroscopy with ultraviolet and visible radiation mainly on liquid samples measured in absorbance or transmittance. Also, measurements of solid and gaseous samples are possible. Thus, qualitative information (such as the purity of the substances, identification of the substances or binding conditions) can be obtained, as well as quantitative information (such as the concentration by measuring the end point or by kinetics).
DR 2800 Spectrophotometer
Used for more than 240 analytical methods, it offers innovative barcode labelling for automatic detection of reliable method. DR 2800 can store up to 50 user programs and 500 data points, including sample and operator ID.
Calcining Oven
It is used for heat treatment of materials. It has a capacity of 9L and is equipped with ramp temperature controller and basket fan.
Autoclave digestion
It is used for the hydrothermal synthesis of nanomaterials. It has a detachable PTFE container, with a capacity of 200 mL, in a stainless steel body, with six screws in the lid, to seal the PTFE cup with flange. An expandable wave spring maintains a continuous pressure on the seal during the cooling cycle when the PTFE parts may otherwise relax and drain. The stirring may be provided with a magnetic stirring bar.
Material Science Suite – Schrödinger
We use Materials Science Suite for: chemical simulation of new materials (mesoporous), atomistic models (organometallic complexes, polymers, nanostructures and nanoparticles), automated workflows for properties (e.g.: optoelectronics, electrochemistry, thermophysical properties, mechanical, properties, reactivity & stability, structure, dynamics & energetics). Materials Science Suite also allows to evolve chemical structures using a biomimetic evolutionary approach based on genetic algorithms.
Gas Chromatograph Varian CP-3800
Equipped with TCD detector – thermal conductivity and FID – ionization flame, it can qualitatively and quantitatively investigate different gases and gas mixtures in the range of 50ppm – 99.999% vol. for hydrocarbons, permanent gases, rare gases. The Varian CP-3800 GC meets all your analytical requirements with practical solutions for simple and complex applications. In a standard configuration, the CP-3800 accommodates up to three injectors and two detectors, all operating simultaneous. It uses TCD and FID detectors, an optical system for low background, high sensitivity (0.05 ppm F.S.), and greatly improved stability.
Gas Chromatograph – Bruker SCION 456
The GC is optimized for the fast separation of permanent gases. The sample is injected by means of a gas sampling valve via a mini-gas splitter and divided over the setup of 3 columns: BR Molsieve 5A used to separate hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide before the first peak (a composite “air” peak) elutes from the BR Q Plot column. The third column – BR Alumina/Na2SO4 is used to separate hydrocarbons. Trace levels of permanent gases and carbon dioxide are analyzed within 120 seconds down to an LDL level of 50 PPB.
Shimadzu Nexis 2030 Gas Chromatograph
It can carry out investigations on the composition of natural gas – hydrocarbons, rare gases, permanent gases – biogas, geothermal gases, etc., with the help of two detectors, TCD and FID, but also by separating the investigated gases on capillary columns of the following type: molecular sieve SM5A, alumina Al2O3 / KCl, porapak Q. Analysis/ investigation range between 50ppm and 99.999% vol.
VG ProLab Advanced – Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Equipment used to determine impurities in pure gas matrices, Ar, O2, CO2, H2, but also industrial gas mixtures, welding gases, etc. It can measure impurities at ppm level.
One of the most advanced benchtop gas analysis systems available.
The Enclosed Ion Source variant of Smart-IQ+ has been designed to analyse gaseous samples at a much higher accuracy.
On-line gas monitoring enables the purity of process gases to be checked.
Elemental Analyser
Using combustion and pyrolysis methods, it can qualitatively and quantitatively determine elements such as N/C/H/S/O and the protein level of different types of solid and liquid matrices: coals, graphite electrode, food, waste, diesel fuels, juice, etc.
Calorimetric System
Solid and liquid matrices are subjected to combustion in the oxygen bomb and energy values for fuels, food, waste are determined.
C/S and Cl Analyser
The NDIR method used by this type of equipment is necessary and sufficient for qualitatively and quantitatively determination of C/ S and Chlorine from matrices with a particular structure, such as graphite electrode, graphite, catalysts, waste.
Imissions/Emissions Portable Laboratory – Horiba Analysers
A set of sensitive and dedicated equipment for several types of impurities from ambient air: APMA – CO; APHA – hydrocarbons; APNA – NOx; APSA – SOx; MiniRAE, MultiRAE COV, CO2; VereWA – PM10; SVEN Locked – PM2.5; portable weather station; APNAconvertor-NH3; APSAconvertor-H2. The levels of determined concentrations are extremely low <100ppm.
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
It is used to determine the concentration of metals in various matrices, for areas of the order of parts per billion (ppb). Areas of application: metallurgy, petrochemistry, chemical, food industry, control of surface water, wastewater, drinking water, and soils.
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
It is used to determine the concentration of metals for domains of the order of parts per million (ppm). Areas of application: metallurgy, petrochemistry, chemical, food industry, control of surface water, waste and drinking water and soils.
Mercury Analyser
It allows the determination of mercury at trace level. The instrument combines ultra-sensitive detection technology with cold vapor technology.
It allows digestion under pressure with the help of microwaves. The system works with an innovative sensor concept. Individual sample temperatures and internal pressures are measured and displayed individually and in real time.
Conductivity Meter
It is used for high precision measurement of conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity. It is suitable for routine measurements and special applications.
SPECORD 250 Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometer
It is intended for measuring the concentration of liquid samples, in the spectral range 190-1100 nm. It is used to determine the content of nitrites, nitrates, sulphates, dissolved sulfides, total cyanides, ammoniacal nitrogen from drinking water, surface water and wastewater.
Seven Excellence Multiparameter
It has three expansion units, which allow the measurement of pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity and is used in monitoring the quality of water both in the laboratory and in the monitoring of tributaries and wastewater.
HACH HQ40d Portable Multiparameter
Used for reliable monitoring of pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and redox to identify the efficiency of using nanomaterials for treating different types of water.
HACH Portable Mini-Colorimeter to determine Phosphate
Used to quantify phosphorus content in order to determine the efficiency of use of nanomaterials for treating different types of water.