National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies

ICSI Nuclear department is not limited to the „Pilot Plant for Tritium and Deuterium Separation”, a national interest facility which carries out its activities in correlation with the general research and development strategy of ICSI Rm. Valcea.
Tritium represents the main objective of the department and it should be regarded as a priority activity in Romania since it is related both to the nation al nuclear program and to the research and development activities in the field, at international level:

  • The presence of Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Romania, which owns two CANDU reactors in operation and plans to build two more units;
  • Construction of the first experimental fusion reactor at Cadarache, France;
  • European fusion research programs and Romania as an associate country to this program;
  • Agreements between Romanian institutions and international partners in the field of tritium.

The latest activities in the field materialized in 2015 with the completion of the conceptual design phase of the detritiation plant at Cernavoda NPP and the letter of comfort from CNCAN (December 2015).

A strong program to provide the necessary support for the CTRF project completion, as a basis for extending the lifetime of Cernavoda NPP units, is further expected.

ICSI Nuclear develops new R&D directions that consist of design and technological development of separation processes, including new materials and technologies for their production, as well as analytical applications for tritium in the environment. Last but not least, we continue to use our own expertise in the development of cryogenic equipment and special separation processes at low temperatures.

ICSI Nuclear Department Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Liviu Stefan

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