National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies

ISSN : 2668-957X
ISSN-L : 2668-957X

The mission of ICSI Business is the economic valorization of research results (e.g. know-how, products, technologies, methods, services) through business-oriented activities or technological transfer to economic agents in order to increase their economic competitiveness.

ICSI Business entails activities of microproduction and services, marketing, public relations and media, and focuses on technology transfer, business incubation, development of spin-offs and start-ups.

The development concept of the department pursues four specific initiatives that take into account the two priority directions of ICSI Business:

  • Production and Services – Development and improvement of products and services specific to research competences and institutional achievements;
  • Technological Transfer – Transferring the technologies developed and validated through research programs/projects.


The specific initiatives proposed for ICSI Business department in order to streamline activities, expand collaborations and capitalize on results, are:

  1. Continuous development of research-development-innovation and technology transfer infrastructure in Rm. Valcea and the South-West Oltenia Development Region. This is achieved through: (i) discussions with the stakeholders from the industry, economics and business to inform them about existing research facilities and potential benefits; (ii) approaching regional, county and municipal authorities, in order to present the economic and social advantages conditioned by the existence of research-development-innovation and technology transfer infrastructures in the context of smart specialization of regions and the fact that socio-economic perspective and development are directly proportional to competitiveness; and (iii) defining clear tools for tracking and analyzing outcome indicators.
  2. Development of services/products based on the results of research and development activities within ICSI Rm. Valcea.
  3. Creating the brand of ICSI Rm. Valcea by adequately promoting the results, research facilities and capabilities of the institute.
  4. Organization and development of human capital involved in production and services, encompassing an accumulation of knowledge, social and personal qualities, especially creativity.

ICSI Business Department Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Ioan Iordache

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