National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies

Designed as a research infrastructure to develop and implement innovative processes dedicated to quality assessment, environmental research, and development of remediation technologies, the research group Quality of Life and Food Authentication – Advanced Analytical Investigation provides high-quality analytical expertise for the use of stable isotopes and other physicochemical parameters as a tool for enhancing several  current topics in life sciences (biochemistry, hydrology, ecology, health, agronomy, food safety).

Group Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Roxana Elena Ionete

The group’s R & D directions are designed to support (i) the development of micro and mesoporous materials with improved sorption and catalytic properties specific to environmental and/or energy applications, (ii) the development of innovative strategies for clean energy generation and for the separation, recycling and recovery of resources from biomass and industrial waste with an impact on the reduction of environmental pollution; the development of technologies for the recovery and fructification of solid, liquid and gaseous waste components as an integrated solution of eco-efficient catalytic processes of applicative interest, together with (iv) the implementation of specific innovative analysis methods.

Group Coordinator: Dr. Chem. Elena David

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