National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies

  1. Salonul International al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii si Inventicii PRO INVENT 2020, 18-20-11.2020, Cluj Napoca, Romania
    – Medalia de Aur pentru: “Metoda eficienta si curata de sinteza a pulberilor perovskite cristaline de tip LaCoO3 in aer din precursori oxidici”, autori: Anca Dragan, Stanica Enache, Mihai Varlam
    – Medalia de Aur pentru: “Instalatie de valorificare a deseurilor din plastic”, autori: Ionete Roxana Elena, Ionete Eusebiu Ilarian, Spiridon Stefan Ionut, Constantinescu Marius, Bucura Felicia, Miricioiu Marius
  2. Expozitia Internationala de Inventica “INVENTICA 2020”, Editia a XXIV-a, 29-31.07.2020, Iasi, Romania
    – Diploma de realizare si Medalia de Aur INVENTICA 2020 pentru inventia: “Instalatie de valorificare a deseurilor din plastic”, autori: Ionete Roxana Elena, Ionete Eusebiu Ilarian, Spiridon Stefan Ionut, Constantinescu Marius, Bucura Felicia, Miricioiu Marius
  1. Salonul International al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii si Inventicii PRO INVENT 2019, 20-22.03.2019, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia PRO INVENT, pentru inventia: “Metoda si algoritm de management energetic pentru o sursa auxiliara de putere cu topologie hibrida, alimentata cu hidrogen”, autori: Raceanu Mircea, Iliescu Mariana, Culcer Mihail, Enache Adrian, Varlam Mihai, Stefanescu Ioan, Stanciu Vasile
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia PRO INVENT, pentru inventia: “Material zeolitic mezoporos cu activitate catalitica ridicata si procedeu de obtinere”, autori: David Elena, Stefanescu Ioan
  • Diploma de Excelenta, pentru inventia: “Uscator solar cu extractor de umiditate”, autori: Ionete Elena-Roxana, Ionete Eusebiu, Spiridon Stefan Ionut, Constantinescu Marius


  1. Cel de-al 47-lea Salon International al Inventiilor, Tehnicilor si Produselor Noi, 10-14.04.2019, Geneva, Elvetia
  • Diploma si Medalia de Aur, pentru inventia: “Material zeolitic mezoporos cu activitate catalitica ridicata si procedeu de obtinere”, autori: David Elena, Stefanescu Ioan
  • Diploma si Medalia “Marele Premiu Eiffel” oferite de catre Asociatia Intenrationala a Inventatorilor pentru cea mai buna inventie, autorilor : Elena David si Ioan Stefanescu, inventia cu titlul: “Material zeolitic mezoporos cu activitate catalitica ridicata si procedeu de obtinere”
  • Diploma oferita de catre Asociatia franceza a inventatorilor pentru cea mai buna inventie, autorilor: Elena David si Ioan Stefanescu, inventia cu titlul: “Material zeolitic mezoporos cu activitate catalitica ridicata si procedeu de obtinere”


  1. Intalnire cu Prim Ministrul Romaniei la sediul Guvernului Romaniei, 17.04.2019, Bucuresti, Romania
  • Distinctia si placheta “VINCI AMOR PATRIAE”, oferita de catre Guvernul Romaniei – Prim Ministrul Romaniei – Pentru rezultatele deosebite obtinute la Salonul International de Inventii de la Geneva 2019
  • Diploma de merit oferita doamnei dr. Elena David de catre Ministerul Cercetarii si  Inovarii – Pentru rezultatele deosebite obtinute la Salonul International de Inventii de la Geneva 2019
  • Diploma de merit oferita domnului Pro. Univ. Dr. Ioan Stefanescu de catre Ministerul Cercetarii si Inovarii – Pentru rezultatele deosebite obtinute la Salonul International de Inventii de la Geneva 2019


  1. Scientific Conference of Doctoral Schools – SCDS-UDJG 2019, 13-14.06 2019, Galati, Romania
  • First prize award” oferit d-nei Geana Irina pentu lucrarea “Voltammetric sensors in the analysis of wine redox-active compounds” prezentata la SCDS-UDJG 2019


  1. Expozitia Internationala de Inventica “INVENTICA 2019”, 26-28.06.2019, Iasi, Romania
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia INVENTICA 2019 pentru inventia “Uscator solar cu extractor de umiditate”, autori: Roxana Elena Ionetw, Ionete Eusebiu Ilarian, Stefan Ionut Spiridon, Marius Constantinescu
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia INVENTICA 2019 pentru inventia “Procedeu de sinteza de membrane perfluorosulfonice cu depuneri de oxid de grafena”, autori: Daniela Ion Ebrasu, Adnana Spinu Zaulet, Elena Carcadea, Mihai Varlam
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia INVENTICA 2019 pentru inventia “Metoda si algoritm de management energetic pentru o sursa auxiliara de putere cu topologie hibrida, alimentata cu hidrogen”, autori: Raceanu Mircea, Iliescu Mariana, Culcer Mihail, Enache Adrian, Varlam Mihai, Stefanescu Ioan, Stanciu Vasile
  • Diploma si Medalia de Aur pentru INC DTCI ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, oferite din partea domnului Mihnea Costoiu – Rector al Universitatii Politehnice din Bucuresti, in semn de  recunoastere a contributiei stiintifice ridicate
  • Certificat de Excelenta pentru “Metoda si algoritm de management energetic pentru o sursa auxiliara de putere cu topologie hibrida, alimentata cu hidrogen”, autori: Raceanu Mircea, Iliescu Mariana, Culcer Mihail, Enache Adrian, Varlam Mihai, Stefanescu Ioan, Stanciu Vasile – premiu oferit de catre  domnul Presedinte Marian Velcea – Asociatia inventatorilor Justin Capra


  1. Gala “Topul Economiei Valcene”, organizat de catre Camera de Comert si Industrie Valcea, 11.10.2019, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
  • Diploma si Distinctia pentru clasarea pe locul 1 in Topul firmelor valcene, sectiunea Cercetare-Dezvoltare
  • Diploma si Distinctia de Excelrnta pentru clasarea pe Locul 1 in Topul Firmelor pentru 4 ani consecutivi


  1. BIXPO 2019, 06-08.11.2019, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
  • “Certificate of award” si medalia de bronz pentru aplicatia experimentala in domeniul energiei regenerabile si contributia valorica la creativitatea tehnologica si inovatia pentru avansarea industriei electrice – participant Hoarca Ioan Cristian

1. Salonul International al Cercetarii Stiintifice, Inovarii si Inventicii PRO INVENT 2018, 21-23 Martie 2018, Cluj Napoca, Romania

  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia de Aur pentru inventia “Metoda si sistem de generare a hidrogenului prin hidroliza catalitica a borohidrurii de sodiu”, autori: Elena Carcadea, Adriana Marinoiu, Alin Chitu, Jenel Arhip, Mihai Varlam, Diploma de Excelenta din partea Asociatiei “Justin Capra
  • Diploma de Excelenta si Medalia de Aur pentru inventia “Procedeu de obtinere a zeolitului X din fractia oxidica separata din cenusa si zeolitul astfel obtinut”, autori: Elena David, Ioan Stefanescu, Adrian Armeanu; Diploma de Excelenta din partea Asociatiei “Justin Capra
  • Diploma de Excelenta pentru inventia “Tehnologie de realizare a catozilor bateriilor de tip Li-Ion cu densitate energetica ridicata”, autori: Mihaela Buga, Mihai Balan, Stanica Enache, Constantin Bublinca, Silviu Badea, Alin Chitu, Mihai Varlam, Vasile Stanciu, Ioan Stefanescu; Diploma de Excelenta din partea Asociatiei “Justin Capra”

2. Cel de-al 46-lea Saln International al Inventiilr, Tehnicilor si Produselor Noi, 11-15.04.2018, Geneva, Elvetia

  •  Medalia de Aur acordata de catre juriul international al salonului, Premiul Special acordat de catre delegatia oficiala Taipei-Taiwan si Premiul Speical acordat de catre Turkish Patent and Trademark Office pentru inventia” Procedeu de obtinere a zeolitului X din fractia oxidica separata din cenusa si zeolitul X astfel obtinut”; autori: Elena David, Ioan Stefanescu, Adrian Armeanu

3. 4th International Conference on Analytical Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry for a Better Life, RO-ICAC’2018, 01-03.09.2018, Bucuresti, Romania

  • Premiul Best Poster ptresentation award pentru lucrarea “Comparison of sugar composition between pure and adulterated honeys with different sugar syrups”, autori: Corina Teodora Ciucure, Elisabeta-Irina Geană

4. Gala “Topul Economiei Valcene”, organizat de catre Camera de Comert si Industrie Valcea, 28.09.2018, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

  • Diploma si Trofeul CCI Valcea pentru Locul 1 in Topul firmelor valcene, sectiunea Cercetare-Dezvoltare
  • Trofeul, Diploma si Distinctia de Excelenta pentru clasarea pe Locul 1 in Topul Firmelor pentru 3 ani consecutivi

5. BIXBO 2018 – Bitgaram International Expo of Electric Power Technology, 31.10-02.11.2018, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

  • Diploma si Medalia de bronz pentru lucrarea: “Energy efficiency for renew energy application” – autor: Cristian Hoarca
  1. Institute of Atomic Physics, 17.01.2017, Bucharest, Romania
  • Diploma of Honour and IFA Award granted to Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan Stefanescu for all the scientific and managerial activity within ICSI INC-DTCI Ramnicu Valcea
  1. Top Companies, February 2017, Bucharest, Romania
  • 1st place in Top Business Romania, Valcea County, Domain 72 – Research-Development, according to the balance sheet
  1. PRO INVENT International Exhibition of Research, Innovations and Inventions 2017, March 2017, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • Diploma of Excellence and Silver Medal for the invention: “Technology for making cathodes of high energy density Li-Ion batteries (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: M. Buga, O.M. Balan, S. Enache, C. Bubulinca, S.L. Badea, A.M. Chitu, M. Varlam, V. Stanciu, I. Stefanescu
  • Diploma of Excellence and Silver Medal for the invention: “Process for obtaining the carbon adsorbent derived from ash and the carbon adsorbent thus obtained (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  1. International Exhibitions of Inventions Geneva 2017, April 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Diploma and Silver Medal for the invention: “Process for obtaining the ash-derived carbon adsorbent and the carbon adsorbent thus obtained (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  • Honorable Mention for the invention: “Process for obtaining the ash-derived carbon adsorbent and the carbon adsorbent thus obtained (*Title translated from Romanian), authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  1. INNOVA International Exhibition of Inventions, 02-07.05.2017, Barcelona, Spain
  • Grand Prix of the Exhibition and Diploma with Gold Medal for the invention: “Method of separating the fraction of unburnt coal and reducing the carbon content from fly ash (*Title translated from Romanian),“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  1. European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation – Euroinvent 2017, 25-27.05.2017, Iaşi, Romania
  • Diploma of Participation, Gold Medal and Diploma of Excellence for the invention: “Technology for making cathodes of high energy density Li-Ion batteries (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: R.M. Buga, O.M. Balan, S. Enache, C. Bubulinca, S.L. Badea, A.M. Chitu, M. Varlam, V. Stanciu, I. Stefanescu
  • Diploma of Participation, Silver Medal and Diploma of Excellence for the invention: “Process for obtaining the carbon adsorbent derived from ash and the carbon adsorbent thus obtained (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  1. National Exhibition of Romanian Inventions, 2017, 20.06.2017, Bucharest, Romania
  • Diploma of Appreciation for the team of inventors formed by Dr. Elena David and Prof. Dr. Ioan Stefanescu, for the invention: “Process for obtaining the carbon adsorbent derived from ash and the carbon adsorbent thus obtained (*Title translated from Romanian)”
  • Diploma of Appreciation granted to INC-DTCI – ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, for outstanding scientific results
  1. “The National Top of Companies” 2017, ceremony organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, 09.11.2017, Bucharest, Romania
  • The National Prize and the 5th place for the field: research-development and high-tech, the group: research-development in other natural sciences and engineering in the category of medium enterprises
  1. “The Top of Valcea County Economy”, ceremony organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Valcea, 29.11.2017, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
  • Diploma and CCI Valcea Trophy for the 1st place in the Top of Valcea Companies, for the Research-Development section

Diploma and Distinction of Excellence for ranking 1st in the Top Companies for 3 consecutive years

  1. The 14th edition of the International Exhibition of Research, Innovations and Inventions – PRO INVENT 2016, 23-25.03.2016, Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal with special mention for the invention with the title: “Procedure for making nanostructured electrodes based on metallic oxides for electrochemical systems for electricity production (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: D. Ion-Ebrasu, S. Enache, M. Varlam, V. Stanciu, I. Stefanescu
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal with special mention for the invention with the title: “Method of recovery of butyrate polyvinyl from secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu
  • PRO-INVENT Diploma of Excellence for the invention with the title: “Capacitive level meter for cryogenic liquids (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E.I. Ionete, B.F. Monea, S.I. Spiridon, M. Vacaru, C.G. Costeanu
  1. The 44th International Exhibition of Inventions, 13-17 April 2016, Geneva
  • Gold Medal and Special Prize “Prix de la Ville de Geneve” for the invention: “Method for recovering the polyvinyl butyrate from secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu
  1. The 8th EUROINVENT edition – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 20-21.05.2016, Iasi, Romania
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention: “Process for the realization of bipolar plates with liquid type cooling system included for PEM fuel cell stacks (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: L.G. Patularu, D.M. Schitea, M. Varlam, I. Stefanescu, T.A. Marinoiu
  • Diploma and Silver Medal for the invention: “Capacitive level meter for cryogenic liquids (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: E.I. Ionete, B.F. Monea, S.I. Spiridon, M. Vacaru, C.G. Costeanu
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention: “Process for mechanical reinforcement of PEM type polymer membranes, used in electrochemical generators (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: L.G. Patularu, S. Enache, D. Schitea, D. Ion-Ebrasu, M. Varlam, I. Stefanescu
  1. 2ndInternational Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures, 06-08.06.2016, London, England
  • Best poster award for the paper: „Assessing the Traceability and Authenticity of Fruit Juices in Terms of Isotopic Fingerprinting”, O.R. Botoran, R.E. Ionete, D. Costinel, Popescu, I. Stefanescu, G.L. Radu
  1. International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas INVENT-INVEST 2016, 15-18.09.2016, Iași, Romania
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal for the invention: “The method of recovering polyvinyl butyrate from secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal for the invention: “Process for isotopic fingerprinting of aroma compounds from liquid samples, especially wine (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: R.E. Ionete, D. Costinel, R. Popescu, I. Stefanescu
  1. Conference organized by the University of Piteşti on the occasion of the anniversary of 30 years of higher education in electronics, 28.10.2016, Piteşti, Romania
  • Jubilee Diploma and Medal awarded to Mr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Ştefănescu for outstanding contributions to the development of education and science at the University of Pitesti and the remarkable teaching activity that led to the increase of the prestige of the faculty
  1. “The National Top of Companies” ceremony, 10.11.2016, Bucharest, Romania
  • The National Prize and the 2nd place granted by the CCI of Romania for the National Institute of Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies ICSI Rm. Valcea
  1. INNOVA-EUREKA 2016 International Exhibition, 17-19.11.2016, Brussels
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention: “Process of manufacture of the carbon adsorbent derived from fly ash and carbon adsorbent”, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  • Special Diploma from HALLER PRO INVENTION FOUNDATION and Medal for outstanding achievements awarded for the invention: “Process of manufacture of the carbon adsorbent derived from fly ash and carbon adsorbent“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  • ARCA AWARD for the invention: “Process of manufacture of the carbon adsorbent derived from fly ash and carbon adsorbent”, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu
  1. ICAEFBS 2016 International Conference 18th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Food and Beverage Systems”, 01-02.12.2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Best Presentation Award for the paper “Isotopes used in comparing indigenous and international walnut (Juglans regia L.) varieties“, authors: Popescu, D. Costinel, I. Geana, O. Botoran, R.E. Ionete, Y.F.J. ‘Praised, M. Botu
  1. PRO INVENT International Exhibition of Research, Innovations and Inventions 25-27.03.2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal for the invention “Process for mechanical reinforcement of PEM type polymer membranes used in electrochemical generators (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: L. Patularu, S. Enache, D. Schitea, D. Ion Ebrasu, M. Varlam, I. Stefanescu
  • Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal with special mention for the invention: “Flow-meter for two-phase mixtures of cryogenic fluids (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E.I. Ionete, R.E. Ionete, B.F. Monea
  1. International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, 15-19.04.2015, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention; “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metallic waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru
  • Best Innovation Award received from Hong Kong Science & Technology Park Corporation for the invention: “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metal waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru
  1. International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations “Traian Vuia”, 11-13.04.2015, Timisoara, Romania
  • The special SIB Prize for the invention: “Method of recycling secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention: “Method of recycling secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: Elena David, Ioan Stefanescu, Adrian Armeanu
  • Diploma and Gold Medal for the invention: “Process for propagating the Trichogramma SPP entomophagous (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: I. Stefanescu, G. Butnaru, A. Ardelean, L. Gavrilita, C. Mladin, G. Titescu
  • Diploma and Silver Medal for the invention: “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metallic waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru
  1. Milan Expo 2015, 01-05.09.2015, Milan, Italy
  • Particular appreciations for the inventions: “Method of recycling secure glass waste (*Title translated from Romanian)”, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu; and “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metal waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru
  1. Top Companies of Valcea County, 09.10.2015, Rm. Valcea, Romania
  • Trophy, Special Diploma and 1st place in the Top Companies of Valcea County, Research & Development section
  • Trophy and Distinction of Excellence for outstanding economic and financial results from 2012-2014
  1. Anniversary meeting of 45 years since the establishment of INC-DTCI-ICSI Rm. Valcea, 23.10.2015, Bucharest, Romania
  • Diploma of Excellence for the 45th anniversary of prestigious research activity, for the contributions to the patenting of the heavy water production technology and for the contribution of the scientific community to the research and development programs of the European Community, offered by the Ministry of National Education – National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation
  • Diploma of Honour offered by the Institute of Atomic Physics, as a sign of deep respect and high regard for the outstanding contribution to supporting the national nuclear program and promoting performance in physics and technology;
  • The plaque as a sign of appreciation for outstanding contributions in the field of scientific research offered by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
  • The plaque as a sign of appreciation of the activity of the researchers and specialists within ICSI Rm. Valcea, for the 45 years of proficient existence, for the development and modernization of Romanian scientific research, for the promotion of scientific creation and for capitalizing the results in production by technological transfer, offered by the Ministry of National Education – National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation
  1. INNOVA-EUREKA 2015 International Exhibition, 19-21.11.2015, Brussels, Belgium
  • Gold Medal for the invention “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metal waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru
  • Special prize for the invention “Process and generator for obtaining hydrogen from metallic waste and water (*Title translated from Romanian)“, authors: E. David, I. Stefanescu, A. Armeanu, C. Sandru – prize awarded by Russia-Ggorodissky & Partners Patent & Trademark Attorneys, IP Lawyers

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