National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies

ICSI Analytics brings together the main investigation laboratories oriented to develop and implement innovative characterization methods/methodologies for a wide range of samples, carry out complex physicochemical analysis, along with providing scientific data/knowledge and technical solutions as support for priority research directions generically grouped under the name “Environment, Quality of Life and Food Safety”.

The research strategy of ICSI Analytics group is focused on supporting and meeting the requirements of Romanian society and economy – with particular attention being paid to the use of isotopes as environmental tracers and markers of origin, investigation of catalytic materials and waste recovery in order to deepen and solve certain issues of importance that are the base of the chain Environment – Human activity – Pollution – Food chain – Quality of life/Food security – Consumers.

ICSI Analytics Department Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Roxana Elena Ionete            


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