National Research And Development Institute For Cryogenic And Isotopic Technologies


Project: Progress in the development of PEM electrolysers as a major component of the hydrogen-based renewable energy storage scheme (RESTORE)

Type of project: POC-Priority Axis 1, Action 1.1.4 Attracting staff with advanced skills from abroad to strengthen the R&D capacity
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: P-37-595
Project manager: Prof. Konstantin Petrov
Project implementation period: 16.09.2016-2019

Project: Research laboratories for energy storage (ROM-EST)

Type of project: Operation 2.2.1: “Development of existing R&D infrastructure and creation of new R&D infrastructures (laboratories, research centers)”
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 660/07.08.2014
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 07.08.2014-2015

Project: Development of ICSI R&D infrastructure by creating a low temperature laboratory for energy applications of cryogenic fluids

Type of project: POS-CCE – Operation 2.2.1: “Development of existing R&D infrastructure and creation of new R&D infrastructures (laboratories, research centers)”
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 251/28.09.2010
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 28.09.2010-05.04.2013

Project: ISOTOPES IN THE HYDROGEN ENERGY SERVICE - towards the understanding of the specificity of the reactions involved in the Integrated Systems based on Hydrogen Fuel Cells using kinetic stationary-transient isotopic analysis - "Demonstrative concept" for a hydrogen fuel cell power station (RomHyIso)

Type of project: POS-CCE –Operation 2.1.2. Complex research projects fostering the participation of high-level international experts
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 119/2010
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 02.06.2010-30.09.2012

Project: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2019-4951: Nanocompozite performante pentru anozi ai bateriilor cu ioni de Li bazate pe nanoaliaje de Sn, Si, Ge si nanocornuri de carbon uniperete (SWCNHs)/nanofoi de oxide redus de grafenă (RGO) - NANOTINSIGECARBOANOD

Project: Proiect Experimental Demonstrativ (PED)
Coordinating institution: Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației – INFLPR RA
Contract No.: PED304/2020
Project responsible ICSI: Mihaela Buga
Project period: 03.08.2020 03.08.2022

Project: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1894: All-laser-manufactured, graphene-based electrodes for PEM fuel cells produced via laser pyrolysis of a polymeric matrix embedded with catalytic organometallic complexes - LASE-FC

Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 460PED/2020
Project manager: Dr. Adriana MARINOIU
Partner: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)
Responsible leader: Dr. Athanasios Tiliakos
Project implementation period: 12.11.2020-11.11.2022 (romanian version)

Project: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0194: Hydrogen energy revolution driver – fuel cells, on the way from research towards production by mitigation of main technological barriers – ROFCC

Type of project: Complex projects carried out in RDI consortia (PCCDI)
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 25PCCDI/2018
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 12.03.2018-12.11.2020

Project PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0152: Technological paradigms in the synthesis and characterization of structures with variable dimensionality

Type of project: Complex projects carried out in RDI consortia (PCCDI)
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 75PCCDI/2018
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Eng. Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: 01.03.2018-31.08.2020

Project PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0776: Intelligent conductive charging stations, fixed and MobiLe, for electric propulsion transport

Type of project: Complex projects carried out in RDI consortia
Coordinating institution: University of Suceava
Financing contract: PCCDI/2018
ICSI. Rm. Valcea project coordinator: CS Simona Maria Raboaca
Project implementation period: 01.03.2018-31.08.2020

Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1387: Power source based on hydrogen as an alternative power supply for emergencies (BackHy)

Type of project: Experimental Demonstrative Project (EDP)
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 85PED/03.01.2017
Project manager: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 03.01.2017-03.07.2018

Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1223: Experimental validation of a hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system for a light vehicle - demonstrator of hydrogen mobility (HyDeMo)

Type of project: Experimental Demonstrative Project (EDP)
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 53PED/03.01.2017
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 03.01.2017-03.07.2018;

Project: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1431 Development of a portable power feeder type generator, based on hydrogen electrochemistry, intended to maintain the energy support of combatants' equipment in the tactical field (OutHyPower)

Type of project: PN II Partnerships in priority areas, Collaborative Projects for Applied Research (PCCA)
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: no. 284/2014
Project manager: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 01.07.2014-22.09.2017

Project: PN II PCCA-2013-4- Stationary energy sources with fuel cells for bio-organic farming in greenhouses (FC-Farm)

Type of project: PN II Partnerships in priority areas, Collaborative Projects for Applied Research (PCCA)
Coordinating institution: University of Bucharest
Financing contract: no. 46/2014
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: CS III Gabriel Rasoi
Project implementation period: 01.07.2014-30.09.2017

Project: Concept development of an energy storage unit using high temperature superconducting coil for spacecraft power systems

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: Ctr167 /2017
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2017-2018

Project: Advanced technologies for developing a low mass antenna reflector with high geometric accuracy

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: COMOTI Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine, Bucharest
Financing contract: Ctr 135 /2017
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2017-2019

Project: Hybrid power source for pseudo-satellites

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: University of Craiova
Financing contract: Ctr 155 /2017
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2017-2018

Project: Development of water electrolysis systems with applications for small satellites

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: COMOTI Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine, Bucharest
Financing contract: Ctr/2017
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ion-Ebrasu
Project implementation period:

Project: Concept development and technological evaluation for an auxiliary power source with PEM fuel cells for space applications

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: Ctr 89/29.11.2013
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 29.11.2013 – 31.12.2015

Establishing the strategic directions and priority objectives for research-development and innovation activities in the energy field during 2016-2020, in relation to the requirements regarding energy efficiency and sustainable and clean energy, promoted through the national and European energy policy

Type of project: SECTORAL Plan
Coordinating institution: The National Research – Development Institute for Energy – INCDE-ICMENERG
Financing contract: Ctr 95-P2 /19.11.2014
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Perioada: 19.11.2014 – 31.12.2015
Project implementation period: 19.11.2014 – 31.12.2015

Advanced strategic planning for the development of a turbopump system for a liquid-fueled rocket engine

Type of project: STAR ROSA
Coordinating institution: COMOTI Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine, Bucharest
Financing contract: Ctr 40 / 2012
ICSI Rm. Valcea project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 19.11.2012 – 15.08.2014

Project: Superconductor system for storing electricity in magnetic form

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 22113 / 2008
Project manager: Eng. Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Innovative system of electricity generation using PEM fuel cells at high temperatures fueled by hydrogen produced by reforming acetic acid

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 22079 / 2008
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ebrasu
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Online measurement system of tritium concentration in water through the BIXS method

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 72189 / 2008
Project manager: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Optimized system for producing thermal energy from renewable sources using heat pump

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 22128 / 2008
Project manager: CS II Mariana Iliescu
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Increasing security in the supply of energy from sustainable energy sources through a direct current distribution system

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2008
Coordinating institution: Politehnica University of Bucharest
Financing contract: 22133 / 2008
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Culcer Mihai
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Technology and test device for increasing the efficiency of fuel cells operating with low concentration fuels

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 22136 / 2008
Project manager: Dr. Eng. Culcer Mihai
Project implementation period: September 2008 – December 2011

Project: Detection and identification of hazardous substances using ion mobility spectrometry coupled with mass spectrometry

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2007
Coordinating Institution: National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, INCDTIM Cluj
Financing contract: 81083 / 2007
Project coordinator: Eng. Mariana Iliescu
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: New nanostructured drums and hydrides for hydrogen storage

Type of project:  PNCDI II / 2008
Coordinating institution: National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics – IFT Iasi
Financing contract: 72195 / 2008
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Iordache Ioan
Project implementation period: September 2008 – November 2011

Project: Photocatalytic hydrogen production through solar energy using industrial sulfur waste (H2S, SO2)

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2008
Coordinating institution: The National Institute of Research and Development for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Timisoara
Financing contract: 22124 / 2008
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Culcer Mihai
Project implementation period: September 2008 – November 2011

Project: Evaluation of the Romanian research and development potential in the field of physics and elaboration of the national strategy for international cooperation

Type of project: Sectoral Plan
Coordinating institution: Institute of Atomic Physics, Magurele, Bucharest
Financing contract: 2S – P4 / 2009
Project manager: Dr. Chem. Vasile Stanciu
Project implementation period: August 2009 – August 2011

Project: Renewable energy converter of electrolyser-fuel cell type; architectural design and implementation

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2007
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 21030 / 2007
Project manager: Dr. Chem Vasile Stanciu
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: Research and development of a membrane reactor for the production of ultrapure hydrogen usable in fuel cells

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2007
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 21004 / 2007
Project manager: Eng. Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: Evaluation and management of background noise and air quality in a pilot, peri-urban area, within which there are large industrial objectives and traffic lanes

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2007
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 31028 / 2007
Project manager: Dr. Chem. Vasile Stanciu
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: Mini renewable energy production facility - application for micro-units and residential assemblies

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2007
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 21035 / 2007
Project manager: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: Fuzzy computer system for simulating and evaluating technological and ecological risk scenarios and modes of action in the context of climate change

Type of project: PNCDI II/ 2007
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 31021 / 2007
Project manager: Dr. Math. Maria Dumitrescu
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Project: Green energy, without hydrocarbons, based on: multiple vectors from renewable sources, hydrogen production, tele-sensor, and intended for SMEs, critical irrigation, anti-desertification

Type of project: PNCDI II / 2007
Coordinating institution: Societate Comercială pentru Cercetare, Proiectare si Producţie de Echipamente si Instalaţii de Automatizare (IPA SA), Bucharest (Company for Research, Design and Production of Automation Equipment and Facilities)
Financing contract: 21044 / 2007
Project coordinator: Eng. Laurențiu Pătularu
Project implementation period: September 2007 – December 2010

Promoting the integration of the Romanian research groups in the field of hydrogen technologies and combustion cells in research programs developed under the aegis of the European Hydrogen Technology Platform - EuRoGrove

Type of project: CEEX – Module III
Coordinating institution: “Ovidius” University of Constanța – Center for Advanced Engineering Sciences
Financing contract: 172 / 2006
Project coordinator: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 2006 – 2008

Project: Thermal and water management for PEM fuel cell systems

Type of project: CEEX – Module I
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 189 / 2006
Project manager: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Stefănescu
Project coordinator: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 2006 – 2008

Project: Development and implementation of new solutions to improve the performance of proton membrane fuel cell batteries

Type of project: CEEX – Module I
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 334 / 2005
Project manager: Dr. Chem. Vasile Stanciu
Project implementation period: 2005 – 2008

Integration/application of fuel cells/combustion systems, mainly with H2, including hybrid systems with renewable, and functional pilot model, with intelligent management and management and anti-ex safety

Type of project: CEEX – Module I
Coordinating institution: IPA Bucharest
Financing contract: 280/ 2006
Financing subcontract: 13325/ 2006
Project coordinator: CS II Mariana Iliescu
Project implementation period: 2006 – 2008

Project: Energy conversion and storage technology using hydrogen fuel cells for telecommunications

Type of project: MENER
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 236 / 2002
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2002 – 2005

Project: Integrated system of analysis and monitoring of the degree of atmospheric pollution for the complex chemical and thermo-energetic industrial platform

Type of project: MENER
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 052 / 2001
Project manager: Eng. Mariana Iliescu
Project implementation period: 2001 – 2004

Project: Integrated system of electricity generation based on hydrogen fuel cell and proton exchanger membrane

Type of project: MENER
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 106 / 2001
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2001 – 2004

Project: Research on geometric and thermodynamic optimization of PEM combustion cell assemblies

Type of project: MENER
Coordinating institution: The National Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea
Financing contract: 447/ 2004
Project manager: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2004 – 2006

Project: Ultrasensitive pollutant monitoring based on tandem systems with unconventional detectors

Type of project: MENER
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, INCDTIM Cluj
Financing contract: 614/ 2005
Subcontract no. 2341/04.10.2005
Project coordinator: CS II Mariana Iliescu
Project implementation period: 2005 – 2008

Project: Researches on the design and experimental characterization of the membrane assembly - electrode for combustion cells with proton exchanger membrane

Type of project: CERES
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, INCDTIM Cluj
Financing contract: 4-225 / 2004
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ebrașu
Project implementation period: 2004 – 2006

Project: Theoretical analysis of isotopic separations by quantum filtration for different composite materials

Type of project: CERES
Financing contract: 3-81 / 2003
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2003 – 2005

Project: Development of a method for determining the isotopic separation factors in the Pd-H2 system, in order to evaluate the possibilities of tritium separation

Type of project: CERES
Financing contract: 3-69 / 2003
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2003 – 2005

International projects

Project: GreenSkills4H2 - The European Hydrogen Skills Alliance

Type of project: Erasmus+ Programme, ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO
Financing contract: 101056448
Project responsible ICSI: Dr. math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 01.07.2022-30.06.2026

Project: OVERLEAF – Novel low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage for aviation

Type of project: Horizon Europe – HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-05
Financing contract: 101056818
Project responsible ICSI: Dr. fiz. Daniela Ion-Ebrașu and Dr. eng. Eusebiu Ionete
Project implementation period: 01.05.2022 – 30.04.2025

Project: Hybrid power-energy electrodes for next generation lithium-ion batteries - HYDRA

Type of project: H2020-LC-BAT-2019-2020 / LC-BAT-5-2019 / RIA / Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Next-Generation Batteries
Coordinating institution: SINTEF, Norway
Financing contract: 875527
Project responsible ICSI: Dr. Mihaela Buga
Project implementation period: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2024

Project: Identification of legal rules and administrative processes applicable to fuel cell and hydrogen technologies’ deployment, identification of legal barriers and advocacy towards their removal. (HyLaw)

Type of project: H2020 – Coordination and Support Action, FCH JU
Coordinating institution: HYDROGEN EUROPE, Belgium
Financing contract: 737977
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Iordache Ioan
Project implementation period: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2018

Project: Assessment of the potential, the actors and relevant business cases for large scale and seasonal storage of renewable electricity by hydrogen underground storage in Europe” (HyUnder)

Type of project: FP 7
Coordinating institution: Foundation for Hydrogen in Aragon – FHA, Spain
Financing contract: Ctr JTI 09/2012
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Iordache Ioan
Project implementation period: 18.06.2012 – 18.07.2014

Project: Romania's participation in EUROfusion WPJET4 and complementary research/ WPJET4-RO

Type of project: EURATOM-RO Merger from PNCDI III, Program 5, Subprogram 5.2.
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics INFLPR Magurele, Bucharest
Financing contract: Ctr 1EU-6/2/2016
ICSI Project coordinator: Eng Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2017

Project: Romania's participation in EUROfusion WPJET4-GSU and complementary research

Type of project: EURATOM-RO Merger, Program 5, Subprogram 5.2.
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics – INFLPR Magurele, Bucharest
Financing contract: Ctr 1EU-6/2014
ICSI project coordinator: Eng. Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: 05.06.2014 – 30.06.2016

Project: Gamma radiation diagnostics system with neutron attenuators for the JET installation (Upgrade of Gamma-Ray Cameras – Neutron Attenuators (GRC)

Type of project: EURATOM-RO Merger, Program 5, Subprogram 5.2.
Financing contract: 11/2005 IFA-ICSI, Complex Project Code: NUC-INT (FUS), NUC-INT Subproject (FUS) / F7B_N
Project coordinator 2007-2009: Eng. Curuia Marian
Project manager 2009-2013: Eng. Curuia Marian
Project implementation period: 2005-2013

Project: Gamma radiation diagnostics system with neutron attenuators for the JET installation (Upgrade of Gamma-Ray Cameras – Neutron Attenuators (GRC))

Type of project: EURATOM-RO Merger, Program 5, Subprogram 5.2.
Financing contract: 11/2005 IFA-ICSI, Complex Project Code: NUC-INT (FUS), NUC-INT Subproject (FUS) / F7B_O
Project coordinator 2007-2009: Eng. Curuia Marian
Project manager 2009-2013: Eng. Curuia Marian
Project implementation period: 2005-2013

Project: Automatic target feeding system

Type of project: Research Project Contract (concluded in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific Collaboration on the Implementation of the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) project)
Financing contract: 06/21.10.2014
Project manager: Eng. Curuia Marian
Project implementation period: 2014-2016

Project: Production of hydrogen for use in fuel cells with proton exchanger membranes

Type of project: Romania – Italy bilateral cooperation
Financing contract: Ctr 637/01.01.2013
Project manager: Dr. Phys. Ion-Ebrașu Daniela
Project implementation period: 01.01.2013 – 30.11.2014

Project: Investigation, remediation and monitoring of water and soil from contaminated sites; joint scientific action of collaboration and training

Type of project: Bilateral Cooperations Romania – Republic of Korea
Financing contract: 398 /27.04.2010
Project manager: Dr. Eng. Iordache Ioan
Project implementation period: September 27.04.2010 – 30.11.2011

Nucleus Program Projects

Project PN 19 11 02 01 “Innovative electrodes for PEM fuel cells with improved performance and increased durability, based on functionalized graphene materials”

Objective: Romanian contributions to the global energy transition – shaping the future in energy storage
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Marinoiu Adriana
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2022

Project PN 19 11 02 02 “Innovative solution for testing and validating fuel cell systems in automotive applications”

Objective: Romanian contributions to the global energy transition – shaping the future in energy storage
Project coordinator: Drd. Eng. Raceanu Mircea
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2022

Project PN 19 11 02 03 “Hybrid Supercapacitor Configuration - Lithium-ion Technology with Mixed Energy and Power Performance”

Objective: Romanian contributions to the global energy transition – shaping the future in energy storage
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Buga Mihaela
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2022

Project PN 19 11 02 04 “Development of solid electrolytes with ultra-high conductivity and electrodes with improved cyclic stability for solid-state batteries”

Objective: Romanian contributions to the global energy transition – shaping the future in energy storage
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem Iacob Ciprian
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2022

Project PN 19 11 02 05 “Carbon nanostructures obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth method for electrochemical devices for electricity generation”

Objective: Romanian contributions to the global energy transition – shaping the future in energy storage
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Ion-Ebrasu Daniela
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2022

Project PN18 12 01 01: “Implementation of new storage technologies, Li-ion - NMC, and the transition to a new generation of magnesium-based batteries”

Objective: Major elements of energy transformation – energy storage and hydrogen energy – processes and new materials
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihaela Buga
Project implementation period: 2018

Project PN18 12 01 02: “Graphene-nanostructured metal-nanoparticle materials for ORR electrode applications in the PEMFC field”

Objective: Major elements of energy transformation – energy storage and hydrogen energy – processes and new materials
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Adriana Marinoiu
Project implementation period: 2018

Project PN18 12 01 03: “Hydrogen, an alternative energy vector: electrochemical separation and storage of hydrogen, a new and emerging technique”

Objective: Major elements of energy transformation – energy storage and hydrogen energy – processes and new materials
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Ioan Iordache
Project implementation period: 2018

Project PN18 12 01 04: “Optimization of the propulsion of a hybrid vehicle with fuel cells using top-down design methodologies”

Objective: Major elements of energy transformation – energy storage and hydrogen energy – processes and new materials
Project coordinator: CS III Mircea Raceanu
Project implementation period: 2018

Project PN16360101: “Hybrid fuel/battery/ultracapacitor topology for increasing the autonomy of moving an electric vehicle”

Objective: Hydrogen as an essential vector in the reformulation of the energy structure at national and global level
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Project PN16360102: “Non-conventional electrodes based on graphene materials with applications in PEM fuel cells”

Objective: Hydrogen as an essential vector in the reformulation of the energy structure at national and global level – „HyEnergy for tomorrow”
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Adriana Marinoiu
Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Project PN16360102: “Small series manufacturing technology of PEM fuel cell stacks, in optimized configuration”

Objective: Hydrogen as an essential vector in the reformulation of the energy structure at national and global level – „HyEnergy for tomorrow”
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Laurentiu Patularu
Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Project PN16360201: “Development, testing and implementation of new nanostructured electrodes in Li-ion batteries”

Objective: Innovative energy storage technologies – support for renewable energy penetration – “inside Energy Storage revolution”
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihaela Buga
Project implementation period: 2016-2017

Project PN16360202: “Development of nanostructured electrodes with low platinum content, improved performance and low manufacturing cost for hydrogen production by PEM electrolysis”

Objective: Innovative energy storage technologies – support for renewable energy penetration –“inside Energy Storage revolution”
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ion-Ebrașu
Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Project PN16360202: “Integrated system of electrical and thermal storage of the surplus of renewable energy in on-grid and off-grid applications”

Objective: Innovative energy storage technologies – support for renewable energy penetration – “inside Energy Storage revolution”
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Balan
Project implementation period: 2016 – 2017

Project PN09190101 “Development of a control system and experimental validation methodology for a dynamic model with polymer membrane fuel cells”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2009 – 2011

Project PN09190102 “Mathematical modeling and experimental investigation of material degradation in a PEM combustion cell”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 2009 – 2011

Project PN09190103 “Theoretical and experimental research on the execution of solar molecular concentrators in order to improve the energy and economic efficiency of renewable energy conversion systems”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Mihai Anghel
Project implementation period: 2009 – 2011

Project PN09190104 “Analysis of the process of contamination of fuel cells with hydrogen, with polymeric membrane: impact, mechanisms and mitigations”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2009 – 2011

Project PN09190106 “Modeling and experimental analysis of the transient response of a fuel cell system for automotive applications”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2012 – 2013

Project PN09190107 “Integration of renewable energies using hydrogen technologies”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2013

Project PN09190109 “Theoretical and experimental investigations on CO retention systems at low temperature for PEM fuel cells and their applications”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Math. Elena Carcadea
Period implementation period: 2013 – 2014

Project PN09190110 “Studies and researches regarding the implementation of Fuzzy algorithms for the management of PEM fuel cell stacks in order to increase their energy efficiency”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2013 – 2014

Project PN09190111: “Prospects and technical-economic opportunities regarding the recycling of CO2 to methane, using renewable hydrogen”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Adriana Marinoiu
Project implementation period: 2014

Project PN09190112: “Experimental investigations on the development of optimized membrane-electrode assemblies for PEM fuel cells”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Stănica Enache
Project implementation period: 2014

Project PN09190113: “PEM energy converter for ultra-pure hydrogen production”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ion-Ebrașu
Project implementation period: 2014

Project PN09190115: “Metal-Semiconductor Transition in the Mg-Ni-H Hydrogenated Complex”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Stănica Enache
Project implementation period: 2015

Project PN 09190116: “Use of new technologies for the synthesis of graphene-like nano-composite materials, with catalytic and electrocatalytic properties and applications in the field of PEMFC”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Chem. Adriana Marinoiu
Project implementation period: 2015

Project PN 09190117: “Innovative concept of hydrogen production by PEM electrolysis”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Daniela Ion-Ebrașu
Project implementation period: 2015

Project PN 09190118: “Electric propeller with hydrogen fuel cell for mobile applications”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culer
Project implementation period: 2015

Project PN 09190402: “Integration of high vacuum production equipment into the high-power control and control systems specific to high energy installations”

Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Marian Curuia
Project implementation period: 2011-2012

Project PN 06130501: “Model of energy conversion in an integrated system powered by hydrogen”

Objective: New and renewable energies
Project coordinator: Dr. Eng. Mihai Culcer
Project implementation period: 2006-2008

Project PN 03100402: “Development of a pure hydrogen processing and extraction system-analysis of the physico-chemical processes involved in order to optimize a compact system on a small scale”

Project coordinator: Dr. Phys. Mihai Varlam
Project implementation period: 2003-2005

Project PN 06130502: “Analysis and optimization of PEM type fuel cells from a constructive point of view and of water – heat management”

Project coordinator: Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 2006-2008

Project PN 05100106: “Study on the dynamics of fluids in hydrogen fuel cells”

Project coordinator: Math. Elena Carcadea
Project implementation period: 2005

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