Scientific Information, Dates and Deadlines

Scientific Information – Dates and Deadlines

We encourage the submission of oral and poster contributions in the specified scientific areas. The organizing committee, in consultation with the ESIR Advisory Board, will invite plenary talks and select contributions for the scientific sessions.
The official language of the conference is English. No translation into other languages will be provided.

Important deadlines:

  • Registration and Abstract submission: Open since October 01, 2016
  • Abstract submission deadline: March 25, 2017
  • Notification of accepted abstracts: March 31, 2017
  • Early bird registration deadline: April 20, 2017
  • ESIR Workshop: June 25-29, 2017

Certificate of attendance

Regularly registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Conference publications

The authors have the possibility, after the ESIR meeting, to publish the full paper of their presentations (oral and poster), following the regular reviewing procedure, in one of the journals:

  • Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies , a journal that provides a unique platform for stable isotope studies in geological and life sciences, with emphasis on ecology.

The journal is abstracted and indexed in: ISI Current Contents; ISI Research Alert; ISI SciSearch; ISI Current Contents/Agricultural Biology & Environmental Science; ISI Current Contents/Clinical Medicine; ISI Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences; ISI Index to Scientific Review; ISI/Chemistry; Science Citation Index; MEDLINE/Citation Index; Index Medicus; Medline; and Thomson Zoological Record.

  • Progress of Cryogenics and Isotope Separation , journal that publish significant research results in topics covering the areas of Stable Isotopes and Cryogenic Technologies; Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion; Energetic Technologies of Hydrogen; Science and Materials Engineering; Environmental, Life Quality and Food Safety.

The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Contemporary Science Association, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, SCIPIO, GALE, INSPEC, National Institute of Scientific Information (INIS).

The authors will receive information concerning the publication during the workshop.


Participation of young scientists is highly encouraged. Best Presentation Award and Best Poster Award will be granted to postgraduate (e.g. MSc., PhD) students that are first authors and personally present an oral presentation or poster at the workshop. Authors may express their interest in participating in the Best Presentation & Poster Award contest when submitting their abstract. The award will be given at the end of the workshop to the students with the most outstanding presentation and poster.
To be eligible for one of these awards, please ensure that you have indicated on your abstract submission or registration form that it is a student presentation.