October 24 - 26, Băile Govora, România

The 22nd National Conference with International Participation

New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment




Welcome EnergEn 2018

The 2018 Conference “New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment” (EnergEn 2018), organised by the National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Vâlcea, will be held at Băile Govora, Romania, between 24-26 of October, 2018.

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for Romanian and foreign researchers, scientists and engineers to present and discuss the current status of modern technologies, experimental techniques and actual developments.

We expect theoretical, methodological and conceptual reports discussing advancements, technical challenges, and novel applications in material science, processes, instrumental developments and isotope applications for energy and environmental & health.

In the heart of Romania, surrounded by the charismatic beauty of the sub-Carpathians, the EnergEn 2018 will provide the best environment for scientific discussions and new partnerships at Palace Hotel, Băile Govora, a place that can easily stimulate your inspiration and creation.

Come and enjoy Science at EnergEn 2018!



Acad. Marius Peculea
Romanian Academy

Acad. Nicolae Zamfir
INC-DFIN -“HH” Bucharest-Magurele, Romania

Acad. Prof. Gheorghe Duca
Scientific Academy of Moldova

Prof. dr. univ. Ioan Stefanescu
ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

Dr. Mihai Varlam
ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

Prof. Liu Wei
Shanghai Institute for Applied Physics, China

Prof. dr. Ashok Vaseashta
Marshall University, Huntington, USA

Prof. dr. Konstantin Petrov
Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Sofia, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. George Darie
Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania


Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Badea
Technical University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dr. Ion Cristescu
KIT Karlsruhe, Germany

Dr. Norber Wagner
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany

Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Rozanski
AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland

Dr. Ionut Purica
Academy Institute of Economy

Dr. Silvano Tosti
ENEA- Frascati, Italy

Dr. Damian Axente
National R-D Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dr. Alexandru Toma
RAAN Piteşti, Romania

Dr. Gheorghe Ioniţă
ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, Romania



      Energy Storage And Hydrogen Technologies

    The growing concerns regarding the drastic reduction of available fossil fuel resources and the impact of greenhouse gases has led to extensive research related to the energy system, a system where the hydrogen technologies and the storage play a significant role. The discussions will involve the latest achievements related to:

    • hydrogen production, purification, storage and distribution
    • renewable energy
    • fuel cell technologies (development of components, single cell or stacks, simulations, testing and applications)
    • electrolysis
    • lithium batteries and all energy storage forms,
    • marketing and policy pathways in energy storage and hydrogen technologies,
    • cross-cutting issues (safety, legislation, education and training).






      Cryogenic Technologies

    The cryogenic technologies section welcomes new results and achievements from fundamental theories to industrial technologies and applications for civil society. Special attention will be given to work in the followings fields: 

    • Fluid termodynamics, heat and mass transfer applications;
    • Cryogenics technologies and techniques (refrigeration and liquefaction applications; cryogenic purification methods; cryogenic separation and distillation, thermal insulation, etc.)
    • Cryoelectronics and cryogenic applications for power, energy and fuel transportation (supraconductibility, superfluidity, etc.)
    • Cryogenic equipments (cryocoolers, turboexpanders, pumping systems, etc.)
    • Cryogenics storage and transport techniques;
    • Space cryogenic applications;
    • Methods, experimental and testing facilities for cryogenic applications;
    • Measurement and analysis techniques.






      Isotopes of Hydrogen and its Applications

    Hydrogen isotopes remain one of the most important subjects included in last decades of R&D, and since fusion become a strategic international R&D objective, more and more application for studying hydrogen and isotopes are developed related to energy, life science and environment. This section proposes subjects which are important to national and international fusion R&D, application for nuclear industry, environment and biological studies:

    • Isotopes separation science and technologies
    • Tritium in nuclear energy
    • Software, equipment and materials for tritium separation (catalyst, package)
    • Isotopes species analysis
    • Hydrogen isotopes in environment;






      Material Science for Energy and Environment

    Intensive researches for developing new materials in energy domain are the key for better electrochemical devices and energy systems. The discussions aim to share the most recent results and innovations related to:

    • preparation methods for advanced materials (nanoparticles, nanostructured, etc) used to develop components of various electrochemical devices;
    • materials for electrochemical devices (electrodes, diffusion layers, polymer nanocomposite);
    • simulation of micro- and nanoscale transport phenomena;
    • physical and functional characterization;
    • stability, durability and degradation issues;
    • reliability tests;
    • manufacture of new micro- and nanotechnologies applied to energy.
    • testing methods and facilities for determination of materials properties at cryogenic temperatures;
    • methods and mechanisms involved in materials preparation and characterization;
    • materials for special applications;






      Life Quality and Environment Technologies

    This section aim to cover the application of isotopes (radioisotopes, stable isotopes and non-traditional stable isotopes) and other chemical and bio-chemical markers in various scientific disciplines including:

    • Hydrology,
    • Earth Sciences & Biogeochemistry,
    • Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology,
    • Food safety and Forensics,
    • Environmental Radioactivity,

    to share insights and approaches of mutual interest and to promote exchange across disciplinary boundaries. Also, advanced studies related with environmental technologies & monitoring and food development & security, for improving the quality of life, are encouraged to be shared.







Key Deadlines

Keeping the tradition of the past events series, this conference will combine high-quality invited and contributed oral presentations on both theoretical and practical aspects of the proposed topics on specific sessions, as well as extensive time for poster sessions, personal interactions, and networking. 

The official language of the conference is English.

  • Abstract submission deadline:   August 30, 2018
  • Notification of accepted abstracts:   September 10, 2018
  • Early registration deadline:   August 30, 2018
  • Full papers submission deadline:   September 15, 2018  
  • EnergEn 2018 Conference:   October 24-26, 2018





For authors

Abstract Submission
The abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to conference@icsi.ro until August 30, 2018. 

  1. The abstract must not exceed two A4 pages (including key words, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references). Please use the template to ensure the same style for the abstract volume.
  2. The abstracts must be submitted only in English.
  3. The presenting author name should be underlined.
  4. Tables and figures can be included. Please provide figures/images with good resolution (300 dpi recommended).
  5. It is the author's responsibility to submit the abstract in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance 

  1. Abstract acceptance should be received by September 10, 2018. Check the web for the latest changes.
  2. All the speakers must be registered in order to attend the conference.

Paper Presentation 

PowerPoint format is foreseen for oral presentations.

  • Invited lecture: expected duration 40 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Oral presentations: expected duration 20 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.


Poster presentations

Please make sure that your poster corresponds to the following size and format: max 700 mm wide and 1000 mm high.

Posters will be placed by the owners, on the settled date for their presentation, between 08:00 and 09:00 and recovered same day, between 18:00 and 19:00. Assistance will be provided by the organizing committee. We not assume responsibility for damaged or lost posters.

Conference publications

The authors have the possibility to publish the full paper of their presentations (oral and poster), following the regular reviewing procedure in the journal Progress of Cryogenics and Isotope Separation, journal that publish significant research results in topics covering the areas of Stable Isotopes and Cryogenic Technologies; Nuclear Energy – Fission and Fusion; Energetic Technologies of Hydrogen; Science and Materials Engineering; Environmental, Life Quality and Food Safety.

The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Contemporary Science Association, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, SCIPIO, GALE, INSPEC, and National Institute of Scientific Information (INIS).

More instruction on the journal page: click here

Registration and fee

To register for the EnergEn 2018, please fill out the registration form and send it by e-mail to conference@icsi.ro or by filling the online registration form. After submitting your online registration you will receive a confirmation email.

Conference items

(VAT Included)

Services covered by the

Early Registration

• Access to sessions
• Conference materials (conference program, book of abstracts, the journal “Progress of Cryogenics and Isotope Separation” vol. 21, issue 1/2018 and issue 2/2018)
• Festive dinner;
• Coffee breaks and daily lunch during the conference;
• Social event.



PhD Students


After August 30, 2018



PhD Students


Accompanying persons


• Festive dinner;
• Coffee breaks and daily lunch during the conference;
• Social event.

Bank Transfer

For international currency (EUR) use :

Bank: BRD – GSG Rm. Valcea

Bank address: Str. General Praporgescu nr. 18, Rm. Valcea, Romania

IBAN/Account No:RO34BRDE390SV01637823900


Beneficiary: Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice (I.N.C.D.T.C.I. – I.C.S.I. Rm. Valcea)

Mandatory . Details of payment: full name (surname and first name); for ENERGEN 2018


For Romanian currency (RON) use :

Banca: BRD – GSG Rm. Valcea

Adresa bancii: Str. General Praporgescu nr. 18, Rm. Valcea, Romania

Cod IBAN: RO73BRDE390SV01871783900

CUI: RO2538104

Beneficiary: Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru tehnologii Criogenice si Izotopice (I.N.C.D.T.C.I. – I.C.S.I. Rm. Valcea)

Mandatory . Details of payment: full name (surname and first name); for ENERGEN 2018

Please do not forget to indicate "ENERGEN 2018" and give your full name (surname and first name). If you transfer the registration fee of more than one person together, then please, list all the names under the entry "Details of payment".


  • Please be sure to check: All charges are paid by the sender.
  • If you will send the money in RON, please use the official exchange rate EURO - RON from that day (BNR).
  • Please, send us copy of the bank transfer to the following email address: conference@icsi.ro
  • In case you need an invoice or receipt, please fill in all requested information on the registration form. Please let us know about this before the meeting.


We invite you to join us at the 22nd EnergEn 2018 Conference that will be organized on 24 – 26 October 2018 to Băile Govora, Romania. Băile Govora is a spa resort in the South-Central area of Romania (Vâlcea County), situated 20 km South-West of the Râmnicu Vâlcea city. It is located at west of the Olt River, in the Sub-Carpathian zone, at an altitude of 360–380 meters, in a region of hills covered by forests of beech, oak, spruce, pine and acacia. The resort is known for its springs rich in chloride, sodium, iodine, bromine, sulfur (for external treatments) and in magnesium, calcium, a small quantity of sulfur (for internal treatments) used since 1866 for different diseases. The meeting will be held at the Palace Hotel, a jewel of the early 20 th century architecture, located within the Central Park of Băile Govora spa.

Palace Hotel****, Str. Parcului No. 1, code 245200 http://bailegovora.ro/hotelPalace 
The organizing committee will be responsible for booking the rooms according with the participants' preferences. Please complete the registration form.

Historical monument built in the period 1911-1914, by the designs of a French architect, Ernest Doneaud, Palace Hotel was the first hotel in Romania with its own spa treatment center. The building architecture is eclectic with influences from the Art Nouveau style combined with Neo-Romanian architectural elements. The building has 365 openings (arcade, doors and windows), the figure symbolizing the number of days in a year. Situated in the middle of the Central Park, the hotel was complete renovated between 2009 and 2013; has 93 rooms classified as 4* and 39 rooms classified as 3*, restaurant, terrace, bar, spa center (fitness, sauna, swimming pool), parking.

Băile Govora (45°4.8 'North, 24°10.8' East) is located in central-south Romania, close to Râmnicu Vâlcea (less than 30 minutes) but is also not so far away from Sibiu (less than 2 hours) and Bucharest (less than 3 hours).

Double room
Single room


Traveling by air:
The nearest international airports are in Sibiu (100 km) and Bucharest (200 km). For those arriving to Sibiu International Airport or Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport shuttle transfer from the airport to the Palace Hotel in Bãile Govora will be arranged.

Traveling by car:
Distance to major cities:
Râmnicu Vâlcea – 20 km, Piteşti - 80 km, Sibiu - 120 km, Craiova - 150 km Bucharest - 200 km, Brasov – 210 km, Tg. Jiu - 100 km. Different routes on the road to Bãile Govora:
Bucharest - Piteşti (A1) - Râmnicu Vâlcea (DN7) - Bãile Govora  (DN67)
Sibiu - Rm.Vâlcea (DN7) - Bãile Govora  (DN67)

Traveling by train:
End railway station: Govora or Râmnicu Valcea. Public transport has to be used from those railway stations to the Bãile Govora resort. Transport arrangements from the railway station to the hotel can be performed by the organisers. Also, there are frequent buses from Râmnicu Vâlcea (less than 30 minutes away) and three direct ones from Bucharest (3 1/2 hours away).


Do you have questions about EnergEN 2018 Conference? Our staff is ready to help you.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns by using the contact form or by email at conference@icsi.ro
